Grammar Subject Knowledge
Whole School Live Online Training or Purchase a Recording
“Antony CE School had a fantastic grammar session tonight! It was informative, interactive and up to date. We would 100% recommend working with Dandelion Learning.” Jo Pearton, Assistant Headteacher Antony CE School
“Thank you so much! It was so useful and you have so much knowledge!” Nicola Busby, Northmead Junior School
“Thank you so much, that was excellent!” Jo Backhurst, Northmead Junior School
This training is aimed at all primary teachers, TAs and English leaders.
The Ofsted School Inspection Handbook states: ‘ Teachers have expert knowledge of the subjects that they teach. If they do not, they are supported to address gaps in their knowledge so that pupils are not disadvantaged by ineffective teaching.’
Confidence in grammar subject knowledge is essential for primary teaching. Yet many teachers, including English specialists, have never been taught grammar in their own education. This presents a challenge for school leaders – ensuring ‘expert knowledge’ as well as consistency in the use of terminology across the school. This session is designed to support teachers and TAs to ensure an excellent understanding of grammar in the Primary National Curriculum.
Teachers and TAs will leave this session with:
- Confidence in Word Classification.
- A deep understanding of phrases, clauses and sentence construction (including multi-clause sentences).
- Confidence in the use of terminology when explaining grammar to children, analysing grammatical features within texts and during Shared Writing.
- Ideas for resources to support subject knowledge and classroom teaching.
Choice of dates and times:
Tuesday 3rd December 2024 10am – 12pm
Wednesday 5th February 2025 4pm – 6pm
Thursday 1st May 2025 1pm – 3pm