About Dandelion Learning

Pet Henshaw + Tre Christopher = Dandelion Learning

Pet Henshaw and Tre Christopher are Dandelion Learning. We deliver high quality English training and support for schools across the UK and internationally. Having worked as Primary school teachers, Subject Leaders and Consultants, we recognise the commitment and relentless hard work that it takes to provide outstanding education on a day to day basis in the classroom.

We know how frustrating it can be to waste time and money on training that doesn’t have a lasting impact on pupil progress. That is why we set up Dandelion Learning – to make a difference to the lives of teachers and ultimately the children they teach. Our training is always active and practical ensuring that teachers have the opportunity to have a go at proven techniques themselves so that they are confident and enthused to use these immediately back at school. All the strategies we promote are evidence based and our aim is to share not only how to use these strategies but also why these techniques work.

We recognise the anxieties that can arise around pupil progress and the frustrations linked to ensuring consistent high quality teaching and learning and strong teacher subject knowledge. We have personally experienced the pressures of accountability and Ofsted and our goal is to support schools to overcome these challenges and make a real difference to the lives of their children.

We have trained over 12 000 teachers and together we have a combined experience in Education of almost 50 years. We provide a range of courses, bespoke whole school training (INSET, staff meetings and twilights) as well as support for clusters of schools who wish to work together. We also provide in-school support for teachers and school leaders. We are looking forward to working with you to get the results you want for your children.

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