Supporting Children’s Wellbeing through Story

Online Training

Choice of times and dates below

“I feel incredibly energised and cannot wait to explore some of these amazing recommendations. Tre’s magical warehouse of knowledge in this area is something else. Thank you for saving us so much time with these recommendations that we can put into practice NOW!” Caroline Bradley –  Teacher, English National Programme

This training is suitable for primary teachers and TAs.

A large number of children and young people will experience behavioural or emotional problems at some stage (NHS). Data shows that 1 in 6 children in England now have a probable mental health condition, a statistic which has remained steady for the past two years.  It is essential that we reflect on how our Primary English curriculum can support children’s wellbeing. Using story and picture books can provide and ideal platform for exploring these issues.

This session will provide teachers and TAs with:

  • Great book recommendations for supporting children’s mental health in the primary classroom.
  • Activities linked to stories to support conversations around wellbeing.
Choice of dates and times:

Thursday 23rd May 2024 4pm – 5.30pm

2 for 1 Offer

This session will be £45 (+VAT). This includes 1 additional teacher or TA from your school to attend at no extra cost if you wish.

Online Training

Click to book your preferred date and time