Super Subject Leadership!
Supporting English Subject Leaders in Making the Difference
‘The ideas and resources were great. Came away wanting to make changes to our English curriculum. The audits for the different areas are a great tool and made me think about what I need to prioritise. I have done a few of your Zoom training sessions and have enjoyed every single one – would thoroughly recommend them!’ K. Brown, All Saints’ C of E Primary School
‘As always, a bank of instantly usable ideas to use with staff and implement in my own class. Thought provoking questions and inspiring quick fix ideas to make the school a better, more exciting place for children.’ D. Freckleton, Treverbyn Academy
English leadership is key to ensuring success in primary English provision. Ofsted state that, ‘In evaluating the school’s educational intent, inspectors will primarily consider the curriculum leadership provided by school, subject and curriculum leaders.’ (Ofsted School Inspection Handbook)
This course will provide Primary English Subject Leaders with:
- Practical support for monitoring and evaluating English.
- An understanding of what Ofsted expects from Subject Leaders.
- An opportunity to consider priorities and action planning for English.
- Time to reflect on skills and attributes of effective leadership and to consider their vision for English across the school.
Thursday 3rd October 2024 9.30am – 3pm
2 for 1 Offer
Cost: £179 (+VAT) per teacher. A second delegate from the same school may attend for free.