Phonics First for YR, Y1 and Y2 teachers and TAs

Online Training or Recording Available

‘The whole training day gave me lots of ideas for practical sessions. Good use of resources. Really informative and would definitely recommend this course.’  Helen Bailey, Carclaze Community Primary

‘Information given in such a way it made sense on a subject which can look daunting.’  Fiona Tate, Gwinear Community Primary

“Thank you so much. We have found it very informative with lots of great ideas we can incorporate immediately into our practice.” Pilgrims Pre Prep

This training is aimed at YR, Y1 and Y2 teachers and is appropriate for schools who are using any systematic, synthetic phonics programme or a Letters and Sounds based programme.

This training is aimed at Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 teachers and Teaching Assistants. The day focuses on generic phonics subject knowledge and best practice.

Ofsted have highlighted the importance of schools having a sharp focus on ensuring that younger children gain phonic knowledge and language comprehension necessary to read, giving them the foundations for future learning. Good quality phonics provision and teaching of early reading relies on sound subject knowledge as well as a deep understanding of the ‘science of reading’. Regardless of the different contexts and locations in the world where the English language is taught for reading and writing, the same English alphabetic code and the same phonics skills are needed. All teachers and Teaching Assistants who support developing readers and writers need a thorough understanding of the research evidence and best practice to ensure all children succeed.

This online training will:
  • Give teachers and TAs confidence in phonics terminology, subject knowledge and best practice re development of early reading.
  • Provide a wealth of practical strategies and ‘routines’ to use immediately in the classroom to develop blending, segmenting and knowledge of GPCs.
  • Explore the DfE guidance in the 2023 reading framework and implications for the classroom.
  • Consider best practice in the teaching of phonics, early reading and writing as described in Ofsted’s latest Research Review Series.
  • Examine a teaching sequence for phonics and assessment of pupil progress.
Choice of dates:

Wednesday 29th January 2025 9.30am – 3pm

Tuesday 10th June 2025 9.30am – 3pm

Unlimited Offer

Cost: £140 (+VAT) for unlimited number of delegates from your school. Please enter the details for the first two delegates on the booking form and message us at [email protected] to send us the details for any additional attendees.

OR Purchase a Whole School Licence Recording OR Individual Teacher Licence Recording (Available January 2025)

Online Training

Click to book your preferred date and time