Lessons from Top Performing Education Systems

Lucy Crehan author of ‘Cleverlands, The secrets behind the success of the world’s education superpowers’ comes to Cornwall!

Online Training

Postponed due to COVID

Lucy’s research has given her a deep understanding of what outstanding teaching looks like. She is highly regarded in the world of education and is at the forefront of current education thinking.

Lucy will draw on her experience in schools around the world to share a ‘big picture’ of the pedagogical approaches and underlying philosophies of top-performing PISA systems. She will then outline practical approaches that schools can take, learning from these systems, to support the fulfilment of high expectations for every pupil.

For all Headteachers, Senior Leaders and teachers.  Delegate Price: £199 +VAT. Second delegates: £119+VAT.

“This is just to say a brief thank you for the ‘Cleverlands’ seminar which I came along to yesterday. I thought it was truly inspirational, and one of the best (if not the best) CPD opportunities I have had the good fortune to attend; presented with clarity, wisdom and authority.” Delegate from Scottish Qualifications Authority

Course postponed due to COVID

Online Training

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