Improving Boys’ Writing and Motivating Reluctant Writers

Online Training

Choice of times and dates below

This training day is aimed at Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 teachers and TAs.

“Fantastic Training! Lots of stimulus sources to inspire the next generation of writers and activities to build confidence and aid writing.” Jason Trudgeon, Perran -Ar – Worthal School

According to Ofsted, ‘where provision was outstanding in English, boys did as well as girls.’ Find out how you can ensure all boys and reluctant writers in your school can make outstanding progress!

In this session we will:
•Explore practical ideas for engaging boys and reluctant writers.
•Examine the use of film to inspire writing.
•Develop confidence in the use of drama techniques which really make a difference to the quality of pupils’ writing.
•Consider key messages from current research and examples of good practice.

Choice of dates:

Tuesday 11th March 2025 12.30pm – 3.30pm

2 for 1 Offer

This session will be £99 (+VAT). This includes 1 additional teacher or TA from your school to attend at no extra cost if you wish.

Online Training

Click to book your preferred date and time