Effective Writing Provision
Responding to the Ofsted English Subject Report Recommendations
This day is aimed at Headteachers, English Leaders and all Primary teachers.
The latest Ofsted publication ‘Telling the story: the English education subject report’ (March 2024), evaluates the common strengths and weaknesses of English seen in schools across the country. In this report there are some significant findings which relate to provision for writing in primary schools. This training day will consider the challenges and recommendations from Ofsted and provide practical guidance for schools in addressing the issues highlighted.
Developing children as writers is a complicated and intricate process. Many published schemes and programmes promise improved outcomes for pupils and specific strategies which will lead to success for our young writers . However, we know that at the heart of effective teaching and learning of writing lies a number of core, classroom practices. Effective provision relies on sound pedagogical content knowledge – this is what really makes the difference to outcomes in writing. We draw on unequivocal research evidence about what really works to raise achievement and unpick this for schools to ensure an evidence based approach to the teaching of writing.
This training day will:
- Consider how effective schools use formative assessment to feed into planning for writing.
- Reflect on effective teaching of transcription, ensuring that pupils gain high degrees of fluency in spelling and handwriting.
- Explore the critical role that reading and oracy plays in successful writing and how to ensure that this is planned for in a rigorous and systematic way.
- Examine how explicit grammar teaching which draws attention to the linguistic choices and possibilities available rather than simply a focus on concepts / terminology will improve writing outcomes.
- Explore the use of Shared Writing and modelling of writing.
- Consider effective planning for writing – ensuring the teaching sequence for writing builds to a purposeful and authentic writing outcome, incorporating all the pieces of the ‘writing jigsaw ‘.
- Examine how the use of ‘mini-lessons’ can be used to address misconceptions and teach the building blocks when working towards effective outcomes.
- Consider ‘the writing journey ‘ of the children in your school, how to build on prior knowledge and how a long term strategic plan for writing ensures maximum pupil progress .
In light of the findings from their report, Ofsted intend to review and update guidance for inspectors. This day will ensure that your school is fully prepared to meet the challenges voiced by Ofsted and that teaching and learning of writing reflects sound evidence based research, resulting in the very best provision for all pupils.
Dates and times:
Thursday 10th October 2024 9.30am – 3pm
2 for 1 Offer
This training is £220 (+VAT). This includes 1 additional teacher or TA from your school OR ANOTHER SCHOOL to attend at no extra cost if you wish.
EARLY BIRD OFFER! 2 for 1: £150 (+VAT) Use the Coupon Code EARLYBIRD at checkout!