Can‘t Blend, Won’t Blend!

Supporting Pupils Who Find Blending Tough

This training is aimed at all Early Years and Infant teachers, TAs and English/Reading/Phonics Leaders, as well as those supporting older pupils who need help with blending.

Blending is the act of merging sounds together to decode words and is the key skill for reading. Sometimes pupils struggle with the skill of blending and this can hinder their progress. However, there are some key strategies which can be used to help to pupils to master blending and unlock decoding, ensuring that all pupils learn to read well.

This session will:
  • Examine the common barriers to blending and how to address these.
  • Explore practical activities which can used in school at at home to support blending.
Choice of dates and times:

Friday 15th November 2024 10am – 11am

2 for 1 Offer

Cost: £49.99 (+VAT) per teacher. Second delegate from the same school may attend for free.


Purchase a Recording of the live session to use with your school. If you wish to share this recording beyond your school, please contact us for a Multi School licence.

Online Training

Click to book your preferred date and time